* Console APIs
* The Console APIs provide functionality to allow developers to perform debugging tasks,
* such as logging messages or the values of variables at set points in your code.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console}
* @module Console
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
import { green, yellow, cyan, red, bright_black } from 'colors';
const { callConsole } = process.binding('stdio');
// Returns a string with as many spaces as the parameter specified.
function pre(amount) {
return ' '.repeat(amount);
// Small util for objects that might not have a `.toString` method.
function objectToString(value) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(value);
* Stringifies almost all JavaScript built-in types.
* @ignore
* @param {*} value
* @param {WeakSet} seen
* @param {number} depth
* @returns {string}
function stringify(value, seen, depth = 0) {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return depth > 0 ? stringifyText(value) : value;
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
return yellow(String(value));
case 'undefined':
return bright_black(String(value));
case 'symbol':
return green(String(value));
case 'bigint':
return yellow(String(value) + 'n');
case 'object':
return !value ? 'null' : stringifyObject(value, seen, ++depth);
case 'function':
return !value.name
? cyan('[Function (anonymous)]')
: cyan(`[Function: ${value.name}]`);
return '[Unknown]';
function stringifyText(value) {
const text = value.length > 100 ? `${value.slice(0, 100)}...` : value;
const textEscaped = JSON.stringify(text);
return green(textEscaped);
function isArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value);
function stringifyArray(arr, seen, depth) {
// Special formatting required if array has only numbers.
const hasOnlyNumbers = arr.every((elem) => typeof elem === 'number');
const entries = [];
for (const elem of arr) {
entries.push(stringify(elem, seen, depth));
// Remove the color characters to get the proper length.
const uncoloredEntries = entries.join('').replace(/\u001b\[[0-9;]*m/g, '');
// Multiline formatting.
if (uncoloredEntries.length > 60) {
const start = '[\n';
const end = `\n${pre((depth - 1) * 2)}]`;
const entriesPretty = prettifyArray(entries, depth, hasOnlyNumbers);
return `${start}${entriesPretty}${end}`;
// Inline formatting.
return entries.length > 0 ? `[ ${entries.join(', ')} ]` : `[]`;
function isTypedArray(value) {
switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(value)) {
case '[object Int8Array]':
case '[object Uint8Array]':
case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]':
case '[object Uint16Array]':
case '[object Int32Array]':
case '[object Uint32Array]':
case '[object Float32Array]':
case '[object Float64Array]':
return true;
return false;
// Calculate the grid size (trying to make perfect squares and minimizing empty space).
// 1. Max out at 12xN.
// 2. Max out at 01xN (if the lengthier element is too big).
function getMaxElementsPerRow(arr, avgElementLength, maxElementLength) {
if (maxElementLength > 30) return 1;
return Math.min(
Math.floor((Math.sqrt(arr.length) * avgElementLength) / maxElementLength),
function prettifyArray(arr, depth = 0, hasOnlyNumbers) {
// Remove the color characters so we can calculate the AVG and MAX correctly.
const uncolored = arr.map(
(elem) => elem.replace(/\u001b\[[0-9;]*m/g, '').length
const maxElementLength = Math.max(...uncolored);
const avgElementLength = uncolored.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / uncolored.length;
// Calculate the grid size.
const maxElementsPerRow = getMaxElementsPerRow(
// Tries to align the columns.
const alignColumn = (elem, i) => {
const length = elem.replace(/\u001b\[[0-9;]*m/g, '').length;
const shift = maxElementsPerRow === 1 ? 0 : maxElementLength - length;
if (hasOnlyNumbers) {
return i === arr.length - 1
? pre(shift) + elem
: pre(shift) + elem + ', ';
} else {
return i === arr.length - 1
? elem + pre(shift)
: elem + ', ' + pre(shift);
// Creates rows of length `maxElementsPerRow`.
const groupRows = (acc, elem, i) => {
if (acc.atRow === maxElementsPerRow || i === 0) {
acc.atRow = 1;
} else {
acc.list[acc.list.length - 1].push(elem);
return acc;
// Indents row based on the depth we're currently in.
const indentRow = (row) => pre(depth * 2) + row.join('');
let output = arr.map(alignColumn);
output = output.reduce(groupRows, { atRow: 0, list: [] });
output = output.list.map(indentRow).join('\n');
return output;
function stringifyTypedArray(arr, depth = 0) {
// Colorize internal values.
let pretty = arr
.map((elem) => yellow(elem));
// Get typed-array's specific type.
const type = Object.prototype.toString
.replace('[object ', '')
.replace(']', '');
if (pretty.length > 50) {
pretty = prettifyArray(pretty, depth, true);
return `${type}(${arr.length}) [\n${pretty}\n${pre((depth - 1) * 2)}]`;
return `${type}(${arr.length}) [ ${pretty.join(', ')} ]`;
function isDate(value) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Date]';
function stringifyDate(date) {
return date.toISOString();
function isRexExp(value) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object RegExp]';
function stringifyRexExp(exp) {
return exp.toString();
function isError(value) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Error]';
function stringifyError(error) {
return error.stack;
function isArrayBuffer(value) {
return value instanceof ArrayBuffer;
function stringifyArrayBuffer(value) {
return `ArrayBuffer { byteLength: ${stringify(value.byteLength)} }`;
function isPromise(value) {
return value instanceof Promise;
function stringifyPromise(value) {
// We have to use a Rust binding to inspect the contents of a promise
// object because JS doesn't expose that kind of functionality.
const binding = process.binding('promise');
const { state, value: promiseValue } = binding.peek(value);
if (state === 'PENDING') {
return `Promise { ${cyan('<pending>')} }`;
const output = stringify(promiseValue, undefined, 1);
const end = `${output.length > 50 ? '\n' : ' '}}`;
const prefix =
state === 'FULFILLED'
? `${output.length > 50 ? '\n ' : ''}`
: `${output.length > 50 ? '\n ' : ''}${red('<rejected>')} `;
return 'Promise { ' + prefix + output + end;
const specialCharsRegex = new RegExp('[^A-Za-z0-9|_]+');
* Specifically stringifies JavaScript objects.
* @ignore
* @param {*} value
* @param {WeakSet} seen
* @param {number} depth
* @returns {string}
function stringifyObject(value, seen = new WeakSet(), depth) {
// We have to check the type of the value parameter to decide which stringify
// transformer we should use.
if (isArray(value)) {
return stringifyArray(value, seen, depth);
if (isArrayBuffer(value)) {
return stringifyArrayBuffer(value);
if (isTypedArray(value)) {
return stringifyTypedArray(value, depth);
if (isDate(value)) {
return stringifyDate(value);
if (isRexExp(value)) {
return stringifyRexExp(value);
if (isError(value)) {
return stringifyError(value);
if (isPromise(value)) {
return stringifyPromise(value);
// It's an object type that console does not support.
if (objectToString(value) !== '[object Object]') {
const type = objectToString(value).replace('[object ', '').replace(']', '');
return `${type} {}`;
// Looks like it's a regular object.
const entries = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(value)) {
if (seen.has(value[key])) {
entries.push(`${pre(depth * 2)}${key}: [Circular]`);
// The following wraps in quotes object keys that contain special
// characters like { "Foo-Bar": 123 }.
const keyValue = specialCharsRegex.test(key) ? `"${key}"` : key;
`${pre(depth * 2)}${keyValue}: ${stringify(value[key], seen, depth)}`
// Output the class name if the object is a class instance.
const className = value?.constructor?.name;
const prefix = !className || className === 'Object' ? '' : className + ' ';
// Apply multi-line formatting on long properties.
if (entries.map((v) => v.trim()).join('').length > 50) {
const start = `${prefix}{\n`;
const end = `\n${pre((depth - 1) * 2)}}`;
return `${start}${entries.join(',\n')}${end}`;
// Inline formatting.
const entriesPretty = entries.map((v) => v.trim());
const content = entries.length > 0 ? `{ ${entriesPretty.join(', ')} }` : `{}`;
return `${prefix}${content}`;
* Shows the given message and waits for the user's input.
* @param {String} [message] - A string of text to display to the user.
* @param {String} [defaultValue] - A string containing the default value displayed in the text input field.
export function prompt(message = 'Prompt', defaultValue = null) {
// Write prompt message to stdout.
`${message} ${defaultValue ? `[${defaultValue}] ` : ''}`
// Read and return user's input.
return process.stdin.read() || defaultValue;
* Console is a subset implementation of MDN's Console API.
export class Console {
// Holds timers initialized by console.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console/time
#timers = new Map();
* Outputs data to the `stdout` stream.
* @param {...*} args - Prints to stdout with newline.
log(...args) {
const output = args.map((arg) => stringify(arg)).join(' ');
* An alias to `console.log()`.
* @param {...*} args - Prints to stdout with newline.
info(...args) {
const output = args.map((arg) => stringify(arg)).join(' ');
* An alias to `console.log()`.
* @param {...*} args - Prints to stdout with newline.
debug(...args) {
const output = args.map((arg) => stringify(arg)).join(' ');
* Same as `console.log` but prepends the output with "WARNING".
* @param {...*} args - Prints to stdout with newline.
warn(...args) {
const output = args.map((arg) => stringify(arg)).join(' ');
process.stderr.write(`WARNING: ${output}\n`);
* Same as `console.log` but prepends the output with "WARNING".
* @param {...*} args - Prints to stdout with newline.
error(...args) {
const output = args.map((arg) => stringify(arg)).join(' ');
process.stderr.write(`WARNING: ${output}\n`);
* Clears the console if the environment allows it.
clear() {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.warn('This environment does not support console clearing');
* Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes.
* @param {String} [label] - A string representing the name to give the new timer.
time(label = 'default') {
if (this.#timers.has(label)) {
this.warn(`Timer '${label}' already exists`);
this.#timers.set(label, performance.now());
* Logs the current value of a timer that was previously started by calling
* console.time() to the console.
* @param {String} [label] - The name of the timer to log to the console.
timeLog(label = 'default') {
if (!this.#timers.has(label)) {
this.warn(`Timer '${label}' does not exist`);
const difference = performance.now() - this.#timers.get(label);
this.log(`${label}: ${difference} ms`);
* Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time().
* @param {String} [label] - A string representing the name of the timer to stop.
timeEnd(label = 'default') {
if (!this.#timers.has(label)) {
this.warn(`Timer '${label}' does not exist`);
// This wrapper forwards console messages to V8's internal console implementation,
// triggering the `Runtime.consoleAPICalled` event. This ensures that the
// attached debugger (if exists) is notified about the console call.
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/inspector/v8-console.cc
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Runtime/#event-consoleAPICalled
export function wrapConsole(console, consoleFromV8) {
// Get the property names of the console prototype.
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(console);
const propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype);
for (const key of Object.keys(consoleFromV8)) {
// If global console has the same method as inspector console,
// then wrap these two methods into one.
if (propertyNames.includes(key)) {
console[key] = callConsole.bind(
} else {
// Add additional console APIs from the inspector.
console[key] = consoleFromV8[key];
export default { Console, prompt, wrapConsole };