
Assert~ Assert

A class that exposes static methods for assertions.


new Assert()



(static) array(arrayValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given value is an array.

Name Type Attributes Description
arrayValue array

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) boolean(booleanValue, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is a boolean.

Name Type Attributes Description
booleanValue boolean

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) count(expectedCount, arrayValue, messageopt)

Asserts that the length of a given array matches an expected count.

Name Type Attributes Description
expectedCount int

The number that the length of the array is expected to match.

arrayValue array

The array whose length is being checked against the expected count.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) equal(value, expectedValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given value is equal to an expected value.

Name Type Attributes Description
value *

The value to be compared. This can be of any type.

expectedValue *

The value against which the first parameter is compared.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) evenNumber(integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is an even number.

Name Type Attributes Description
integerValue int

The integer value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) false(value, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is false.

Name Type Attributes Description
value boolean

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) greaterThan(expected, integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is greater than an expected integer value.

Name Type Attributes Description
expected int

The integer value that the integerValue is expected to be greater than.

integerValue int

The integer value to be tested against the expected value.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) greaterThanOrEqual(expected, integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is greater or equal than an expected integer value.

Name Type Attributes Description
expected int

The integer value that the integerValue is expected to be greater or equal than.

integerValue int

The integer value to be tested against the expected value.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) hasFunction(expectedFunctionName, objectValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given object has a function of a specified name.

Name Type Attributes Description
expectedFunctionName string

The name of the function expected to be present in the object.

objectValue object

The object to be checked for the presence of the specified function.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) hasProperty(expectedPropertyName, objectValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given object has a specific property.

Name Type Attributes Description
expectedPropertyName string

The name of the property expected to be present in the object.

objectValue object

The object to be checked for the presence of the specified property.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) instanceOf(objectValue, expectedInstance, messageopt)

Asserts that a given object is an instance of a specified class.

Name Type Attributes Description
objectValue object

The object to be tested against the expected instance.

expectedInstance function

The constructor function that the value is expected to be an instance of.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) integer(integerValue, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is an integer.

Name Type Attributes Description
integerValue int

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) isFunction(functionValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given value is a function.

Name Type Attributes Description
functionValue function

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) lessThan(expected, integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is less than an expected integer value.

Name Type Attributes Description
expected int

The integer value that the integerValue is expected to be less than.

integerValue int

The integer value to be tested to ensure it is less than the expected value.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) lessThanOrEqual(expected, integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is less or equal than an expected integer value.

Name Type Attributes Description
expected int

The integer value that the integerValue is expected to be less or equal than.

integerValue int

The integer value to be tested against the expected value.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) notEmpty(value, messageopt)

Asserts that a given value is not empty.

Name Type Attributes Description
value *

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) number(numberValue, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is a number.

Name Type Attributes Description
numberValue number

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) object(objectValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given value is of type 'object'.

Name Type Attributes Description
objectValue object

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) objectEqual(object, expectedObject, messageopt)

Asserts that two objects are equal by comparing their properties.

Name Type Attributes Description
object object

The object to be compared.

expectedObject object

The object expected to be equal to the first object.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) oddNumber(integerValue, messageopt)

Asserts that a given integer value is an odd number.

Name Type Attributes Description
integerValue int

The integer value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) string(stringValue, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is a string.

Name Type Attributes Description
stringValue string

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.

(static) throws(callback, expectedErroropt)

Asserts that a function throws an error.

Name Type Attributes Description
callback function

The function expected to throw an error when invoked.

expectedError object <optional>

An Error object representing the expected error.

(static) true(value, messageopt)

Validates that a given value is true.

Name Type Attributes Description
value boolean

The value to be checked.

message string <optional>

A custom error message to be used if the assertion fails.